Father's Day with Magic Eyes

I love the special days that are special because everything falls into place so naturally and lovingly.  Days where there is not a lot of preparation and it's easy to relax.  This Father's Day was just like that.  I got to sleep in ;-) , until 7 while my husband made breakfast.  He asked if I had forgotten something and...oh my gosh...Father's Day!!  Oops.

While he was out surfing, I had the kids sit and prepare and decorate their own card for daddy.  They were so cute and so happy to sit and color and paint. Not so easy to get both of them to sit at the same time but today was flowing.  Daddy came home and they were excited to share their creations. He taped up their art in his office.

We decided to go to the river for a family outing.  I love our river.  The kids calm as soon as we get there.  We love climbing on the rocks and finding little treasures.  Throwing sticks in the water for races, splashing around.  The water moves and flows and feels refreshing.  It's like a moving meditation.

Oliver (6 year old) decided not to wear his swim trunks so when he asked for them I said I didn't bring them but he could go in his underwear.  He said, "No, everyone will see me."  I said, "Don't worry honey, you can go in your underwear today.  There's nobody here'".  He said, "Yes there are.  I can see them with my magic eyes."

How beautiful is that?  That he can see between the veils and it doesn't frighten him.  He understands the difference between different energies and calls his special sight his magic eyes.  I'm loving every minutes of this.  So I ask, "Tell me about your magic eyes".  He just shrugs his shoulders and says, "I don't know".  I didn't push it.  I just said, "Mommy has magic eyes too.  I'd love to hear about what you see".

He ended up going swimming in his underwear after all.

The day is continuing to flow as we arrive home and we decide that we are going to make daddy a raw banana cream pie.  All working out well.  Lots of love and happiness.

Then as the evening moves on my younger son decides to sneak away with and eat (not the pie) but his dose and his brother's dose of probiotics.  Not a dangerous thing but what if it were something else? How would he know?  Well, he was in a big time out.  No pie!!  He got the third degree from me and his dad and I could feel him feeling lower and lower.

It's in moments like this that I struggle.  How do I teach them lessons and not coddle?  How do we stay firm but not insensitive?  So as I sat with him while he cried (wondering if this was coddling), I prayed to myself.  I asked for help and guidance to help me help and guide my son in a way that suits his highest good.

He started feeling better and said sorry.  He asked if he would get pie tomorrow and I said yes.  He told me he loved me and I gave him a big hug and said I loved him so much.  He got up out of his bed and went over to the crystals and handed me the big crystal ball and said, "This is for you, mom".

This crystal is our Mother Mary crystal.  I am utterly humbled.  I have often wondered when Oz is going to show me more of his sensitivities.  I now have many answers, to my questions and to my prayers. I have so much to be grateful for and so much to learn.

Lots of love to all parents out there.  May you and your families be blessed and guided on this miraculous journey.