August 9 Reiki Circle

Dear Beautiful Reiki Souls,

I think July was the longest most fantastic month ever!  I took my kids on an adventure to NYC and Florida for three weeks. Now we are back in our jungle haven and able to see little peeks of whales from our balcony.

This Sunday from 9am-12pm is our monthly Reiki circle at my house this month.  Please let me know if you plan to join us so I can prepare our space.

I hope this finds you all well and zinging with Rieki energy.
Love and peace to you all,

Something extra I'd like to share with you:

While we were in Florida the kids went to Sea World camp (controversial- I know but also educational for the kids) then we went to Clearwater Aquarium to visit Winter the dolphin who lost her tail and now has a prosthetic tail (There is a movie about her called A Dolphin Tale).  As soon as I got out of the car I felt an overwhelming feeling of wanting to cry.  I had to hold back tears the entire morning I was there. I started to wonder why I felt like crying and realized how emotionally charged this whole aquarium is.  It wasn't a negative feeling, just an overwhelming emotional feeling.

I recently watched a videos about the woman on facebook and felt connected to the way I felt in the aquarium so I thought I would share this with you. ( (