Element Reiki is my personal style of intuitive healing energy. Reiki is a safe method of channeling divinely guided life force energy through the practitioner and into the client. It promotes deep relaxation and transformational healing on all levels. I use Reiki as a base and add adjunctive energetic therapies based on the client’s individual needs. Examples of adjunctive energetic therapies include the use of crystals, toning, attunements, emotional cord cutting, intuitive guidance and release work.
The deeply relaxing state created helps to alter your brainwaves into rhythms that further enhance and promote a profound level of cellular and personal healing.
Inversely, through training your body, you can train your mind, thus the practice of yoga becomes a reflection. My approach is always on the healing and physical conditioning aspects of yoga. In time, a spiritual practice starts to develop and yoga becomes the perfect illustration of energy manifesting in physical state. Mindfully moving and grounding the essence of spirit into the body through movement, sound and breath.
Creating and holding a sacred, safe and loving space for the expression of your highest self to flow. Each client and student is considered individually and each session and workshop is specifically tailored to the needs of the client or group. I focus solely on the highest vibration of light for the highest good of all.
A few years ago a vagabond healer with flaming red hair wearing a cloak and carrying a staff with a crystal ball on the end came floating through our community. She taught us many things but the two practices that she shared really stuck with me and I find very powerful.
Our kids as of late have been hearing and experimenting with "bad words". They are also savvy enough to change them slightly so they are not officially "bad words". For instance, when they started saying, "What the f***"...that's right... thanks to the school yard! I said, how about, "What the fa-lafel". We continue to laugh about that and everytime I share that story with someone new there's more laughter and nice little comments of how clever I am. ; -)
After two days of clouds and rain, the sun came out. We have some new friends who invited us over to their house today. I was getting the kids ready and explaining that we are visiting some new friends and going to their house to go swimming. After a few minutes Oliver started talking about the water slide.
I have veered off topic for a little while, and that will happen, but I have been thinking a lot about Reiki, our children and our family time and how it shifts and changes and sometimes stays the same.
Two things I have come to learn is that medical doctors are not adequately educated in nutrition and relating disorders to gut health and teachers are not adequately educated or trained in handling or identifying children who fall into the "alternative care" category ie: ADHD, dyslexia, autism spectrum, sensory processing disorders, etc.
A little over two years ago I was on a spiritual retreat and the topic of food always comes up. I always knew that food would be my last frontier in terms of my spiritual evolution but I was not at all interested in and didn't feel the need to understand the organic obsession, vegans, supplements, etc. My position at the time was "evolution".
I'm starting to notice a trend in my food intake. When I consume gluten, I am a little more moody, things get me down a little easier and I'm irritable. I've only picked up on this because I've eliminated it (but then I will cheat with things like a soft taco this past Saturday!). A little dairy here and there does not seem to affect me but certainly the gluten. (I will write about the food /diet/chemicals, etc. in another blog).
If you've ever watched an episode of "Madmen", that was the "look" of our family. We were standard Americans. We served in the military, we had values, we paid our taxes, we were good neighbors, my dad coached little league, all the adults smoked, we didn't go to church.
Two years ago, we went to see a specialist regarding our son's sensitive and intense personality. The medical doctor gave no credence to any physical problems just referred us to an occupational therapist to help integrate his senses.
Nobody is perfect and I certainly had a less than perfect day yesterday. There wasn't anything wrong with this uneventful day either. I have been gently working on letting things go with the flow. My husband has been eloquently and naturally picking up the slack without my constant reminders (nagging). But yesterday I was out of patience with the kids, maybe everybody, but they were there and they were my mirror.
I must recount this incredibly intuitive story before I forget it. The gold around my son's neck is not just bling. A few weeks ago as I was sleeping he was going through my nice jewelry and woke me up to show me this beautiful necklace he had found and put on.
I have felt like a lone crusader on this path of conscious parenting. Not a lot of people or professionals out there speaking my language so I not only wanted to document my journey and to leave a legacy to my children but to provide some resources to other people out there who are interested in the spiritual and social/emotional care of their children.
I'm on a path. It's not a perfect path but I strive for and intend it to be a conscious path. To me that means to be aware of myself and those around me. To be conscious and in a state of observation.
I love the special days that are special because everything falls into place so naturally and lovingly. Days where there is not a lot of preparation and it's easy to relax. This Father's Day was just like that. I got to sleep in ;-) , until 7 while my husband made breakfast. He asked if I had forgotten something and...oh my gosh...Father's Day!! Oops.
Tonight for family time we gathered in mommy and daddy's room to listen to and watch the thunder and lightning storm. Not the usual ritual but it's Friday night!! Kids went upstairs with daddy as I gathered our essential oils and cups of our evening lemon grass tea.
Reiki is a Japanese word that literally means "universally guided life force energy". It is not Japanese or associated with any religion or dogma. It is literally just a description of the specific energy itself. The energy comes from THE source of goodness and love...God...higher power. Whatever term you feel comfortable with is your choice.
Today is about Oz. He's four years old. He started off the day dropping the ipad and the screen went blank. After awhile, I was able to reset it and now it's working fine. Then he peed in his brother's bed. You can see where this is going. Crying for attention, needing to be affirmed, to feel loved and accepted, etc. I'm worried.
Routines give structure. In a group of people (a family) things run more smoothly when the day is predictable. Everyone knows what to expect. It gives comfort and security. There are no surprises. It is respectful.
I'm not going to start off by giving a dictionary's definition of ritual or ceremony or write a long synopsis of either. You can go on your own to a dictionary or google ritual vs. ceremony and you will get more than you need of an understanding of both and the differences. This could be cleverly debated and it could go on and on but I will keep it practical and applicable.
My husband and I have made a commitment to family time. We have our usual evening routine (dinner, bath, reading, bed). At 6:45 we stop what we are doing and we all go into our kids rooms to start family time.
Hello, I am Victoria. I am a Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Registered Nurse, Reiki Master, Intuitive, Teacher and so much more.
Blogging can be a very addicting activity. When I started blogging, all I would think about was what I was going to blog about and then take pictures of what may be relevant. I had a special file of potential blog pictures.