We offer this space for our Friends, collaborators and the inspiring people we come into contact with.
Want to be included? Contact Element Reiki and Yoga to submit your amazing offering to the world. As a friend of Element Reiki and Yoga, we support your message!
Sylvia offers conscious mothering circles and supports families in their quest to be conscious together.
Sondra Shaye is completely devoted to assisting others in reaching their highest potential. She channels an immense amount of pure energy.
Life coach and intuitive. Jannette is a life coach and intuitive healer with a special affinity for reading the energy crsytals. Truly pure connection to the messages of crsytals.
Through countless hours of research, this sections offers resources that represent my interests and that have been the most helpful to me. Enjoy.
Helps heal children energetically and has programs to teach others how to connect and heal children. She works specifically with parents and children in the autistic sprectrum.
A website to help you learn how to introduce Reiki to children. Includes books and guided meditations.
This website is a wonderful place to learn how to intoduce meditation to children. It is full of useful information, practical tips, training and books. Has resources for helping children on the autistic spectrum.
I love this webiste. It has the most enjoyable and easy to make recipes for healthy eating.
Grain free indian food recipes. To LIVE for. Her chai and naan recipes are worth a try.
This is the best site for learning how to introduce raw foods into your diet. Some of the recipes are a little involved but this is a great site for learning.
Overall a wonderful website to learn more about yoga. Chock full of great articles and yoga lifestyle information.
Hands down, my favorite site on natural living and DIY products. If you don't feel like DIY, she also sells her terrific products. I love her face powder.
A website by William Rand that gives overall information about Reiki. It has articles, sells books and is a great beginning resource. I visit this site all the time for inspiration.
This is a wonderful website for Christians. It helps to open the door for a bigger conversation about God.
A beautiful and thoughtful sight to bring together the collective conscious in human form